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Monday, April 19, 2010

Arts Neolithic Age in Indonesia

Neolithic is often referred to as the basis kebudayan Indonesia now. Because since this era, life was lived manusiamulai regular and settled. Materials tidah makananpun already dependent on forest production. But they've membudidayakn to produce it themselves. They began farming tanamdan raising for other life. They began making a case of disposable things home, a container of pottery, weaving, handicrafts etc. tools. Stone tools of this era relic has been made with the smooth. Results are an important legacy is the square axes and hatchets oval.

Square ax ax mempunyaio some functions that have many forms to suit its function. There is a wide-shaped for digging, carving, wood cutting etc.. Some are made of colored stones serve as zimat. This pesegi axes found in the western part of Indonesia such as Lahat (Sumatra), Bogor, Sukabumu, Pacitan, the slopes of Mount Ijen. Lonjonh hatchet-shaped material and elongated with a sharp pointed tip. Ax this form are found in Irian Jaya, East Isles, spooky, Minahas, and Sarawak.

Ax-ax Neolithic already given form to be given the handle (shaft). Kaena is no longer a handheld axes.

Elain ax, this era also left the jewelry items in the form of bracelets, necklaces, and rings of stone colors. Muli even know clothes from tree bark. How to hit meukul pembutannya with bark so that the fiber left alone. Pottery began experiencing kenajuan since the times have epengaruh entering China. Apart from useful for everyday purposes, pottery was also used to store cast oyang grandmother who had died. So it is not equipped with rare pottery motifs that are magical.


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