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Monday, April 19, 2010


Indonesian art history stems from prehistoric era, perkembnagan human history of a State by another State is often not the same. This is because the ancient people did not stay settled. Homo erectus is considered the oldest in the Forces is Meganthropus Paleojavanicus (human giant ancient Javanese) that the fossil was found Von Koenigswald in 1941 at Sangiran.

This fossil Plaestosen ditemukn at the bottom. Several previous Thun (1936), Von Koenigswald also found fossils of Pithecanthropus Mojokrtoensis. Year 1939 in the valley of the Solo also found human fossils Pithecanthropus robustus era.

E. Dubois found Pithecanthropus Erectus fossils anusia in 1890 Sandpipers valley near Solo.

In Plaestoses above, found the fossils mkhluk younger, like Homo soloensis, Wajakensis Homo, and Homo sapiens.

Culture and art has actually been around since prehistoric times. Period of human prehistory is not familiar with writing, so we had no written evidence about human kehidupanz that time. We know the life of that era because of the discovery of fossils. And we know the existence of culture in prehistoric times because of the discovery of heritage objects, so we just found a trail course.

No one knows when the prehistoric era begins. Similarly, when people there are, nobody knows. However, when prehistoric times ended when it will be easier answered, that since the invention of the written heritage. Prehistoric period in Indonesia ended in the V century AD. This is marked by an inscription found in Kutai, East Kalimantan.

Prehistoric periodization in Indonesia is divided into the Stone Age that includes Age Paleolitikum, Mesolitikum, and Neolithic and Metal Ages.


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